Health & Fitness
April 2, 2023
2,346 3 minutes read
- -Dark and thick
Certain conditions, like anxiety and chronic stress, could cause the organism to produce an excessive amount of earwax. In addition to that, heavy sweating may also lead to increased production of earwax. In case the earwax is not removed, it could block the ear canal and cause temporary hearing impairment. Moreover, in case your earwax is dark and thick, it is very important to clean your ears regularly and on that way avoid complications. Dark and thick earwax is also an indication that you need to reduce stress and try to relax.
- -Dry, white and flaky
While and flaky earwax that is also dry is a perfectly normal type of earwax and the doctors also explain that it is a sign that you are perfectly healthy. Those who have this type of earwax usually have less body odor than the ones who produce darker ear wax. - -Black or dark brown
Dark brown or black earwax looks quite scary but according to the doctors, there is nothing to worry about. The reason for the darker color of the earwax could be an overproduction of wax (similar to what happens when you are stressed). However, a darker color might also be an indication that the earwax has simply been in the ear for a longer period of time. The moment the wax is removed, the increased contact with oxygen is changing the color of the earwax. - -Wet and runny
According to the doctors, it is completely normal if the earwax comes out of our ears now and then, as that is part of the natural cleaning process. Still, if the earwax in large amounts pours out of your ears and if it contains pus or blood, it is an important warning sign that you have a perforated eardrum and you have to immediately seek medical attention. - -Bloody wax
In case you notice bloody wax you have to immediately get medical attention. Sometimes, the old earwax looks like dried blood, but in case there is blood, you might have a perforated eardrum.
April 2, 2023
2,346 3 minutes read