Health & Fitness


The earwax is a body fluid which is a sticky substance that is able to say plenty of things about a person’s health. Even though it’s really disgusting, the next time you clean your ears it’s very important to take a much closer look at your earwax.

The earwax is not just a dirty buildup in the ears. It is a substance that is created to prevent the dirt and bacteria from entering into our ear canal. In other words, the earwax is the thing that keeps the ears healthy and functional.

According to scientists, the earwax is a combination of squalene, alcohol, and long-chain fatty acids.

Find out what different wax colors say about the condition of your health

  • -Yellow, wet and sticky
    This type of earwax is the most common type for adults. The wet and sticky texture is great for the protection of the ear canal and it also prevents becoming itchy and to dry out.
  • -Gray
    Despite the fact that the gray earwax looks unusual and it doesn’t appear very often, you should not worry if you see gray earwax on the cotton swab.

The medical experts explain that the gray color usually happens as a result of the natural cleaning process of the ear. However, in case the wax is brittle and dry and if you feel itchiness in the ear, it could be an indication of eczema. If you experience these symptoms more frequently it is advisable to visit your doctor.

  • -Pale yellow
    This earwax color is typical for kids. It is also very important to add that children tend to produce a lot more earwax than grown-ups. Over time, as they grow older, the production of earwax will gradually decrease.
  • -Sticky and dark
    Sticky earwax, darker than usual, is indicating that the organism is perspiring more than it’s used to. Namely, in case you have darker earwax, you probably swat more than it’s usual for you, which might also lead to body odor. Despite that, the darker color of earwax is completely healthy.

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