
You Should Be Sleeping With Your Hair In A Bun Every Night–Here’s Why

You Should Be Sleeping With Your Hair In A Bun Every Night–Here’s Why

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When I was in middle school, I used to put gel in my hair and sleep with it up in two tight buns. The goal was to wake up with curly hair. While this hair hack wasn’t too far off, it didn’t work so well because the gel would weigh my strands down.

These days I go to sleep with my hair down and semi damp. When I wake up in the morning it’s kinda messy and flat in some spots from where I laid on it all night–obviously not an ideal situation. A little while ago I read that it’s best to sleep with your hair in a bun so I gave it a try again. I was instantly brought back to my middle school days–but this time was a little different. Here’s the reason why.

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