
Women 40+ Should Perform These 5 Exercises Every Day!

Lay on the back, with the legs together and straight, and elevate them until the buttock butt comes off the floor a bit. Then, lower the legs back to the just above the floor, and hold. Then, raise the legs again and repeat.

4. Planks

Place the hands on the ground, under the shoulders and a bit more than a shoulder-width apart. The toes should be grounded into the floor and the glutes squeezed. The neck and spine should be neutral, your look focused on the floor. Hold for 20 seconds, and gradually increase this time.

5. Burpees

You should squat down and place the hands on the floor in front of you, a bit farther than the feet. Then jump on the feet and go into a plank position, with the chest touching the floor. Push up back into plank position, jump the feet back in towards the hands, and then jump into the air, with the arms reaching straight over the head.


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