
What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Relationship

You might not have known this but your sleeping position can actually serve as a really good gauge as to where your relationship stands.

When you are in a romantic relationship with someone, you are always going to want to make sure that you pay attention to all the littlest details. You want to make it a point that nothing gets by you in the relationship.

You don’t want to be taking your relationship for granted in any capacity. You want to be giving the relationship your full attention. You want to make sure that you are giving the entirety of yourself to this relationship.

And that means really taking notice of all the little things. Remember that the devil is in the details.

If you are really going to stay on top of things in the relationship, you need to really be paying attention to even the most mundane things.

Did you even know that the manner in which you and your partner sleep in bed at night can tell a lot about the dynamics of your relationship? Well, it does.

And if you want some signs into whether you are doing good or bad in the relationship, you might want to take a look into your sleeping positions and patterns.

With the cliffhanger, you are both on the opposite sides of the bed. It’s as if you’re both hanging on the edge of the cliff with the way that you’re straddling the edges of your bed.

You are creating a lot of space and distance between the two of you while you sleep. And that could be a sign that there is a certain sense of emotional distance between the two of you in the relationship.

Make sure that you are able to close that off as you move forward in the relationship.

The crab position is when the two of you engage in two very different positions that just don’t make any symmetric sense in the relationship.

When this is the position you are in while you sleep, then that could indicate a lack of intimacy between the two of you. It’s as if one of you is trying to get away from the other. And that can never be a good sign in any kind of relationship at all.



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