
What Happens to Your Hair If You Wash It Every Day

There’s no better feeling than stepping out of the shower and smelling that fragrant floral scent of your shampoo. You feel refreshed and energized, and it’s the best way to kick off your day. However, washing your hair too often might not be the best move.

Here at Health news, we have come up with a list of signs that indicate you’d better take a break from washing your hair so often. Make sure that you check the bonus we’ve prepared for you to have healthy hair without spending too much.

1. The dyed color may fade too fast.

What Happens to Your Hair If You Wash It Every Day

For those who like making a statement with bold hair colors or who like to highlight it, you might want to reconsider the frequency with which you wash your hair. The chemicals in the dye are vulnerable to water, and washing it too often might strip your hair of its dyed hue.

Solution: Try washing it every 3 days and use a shampoo that’s suitable for your color-treated hair in between washes. This may help your color last longer.

2. Your hair might feel drier.

What Happens to Your Hair If You Wash It Every Day

Dry or frizzy hair is another sign that you’re overwashing it. Most shampoos contain chemicals called sulfates, which remove the oil and debris from your hair. Consequently, your hair will immediately look more luscious, but you’ll be damaging it in the long term. If you strip your hair of its natural oils, your scalp will be dry and so will the texture of your hair.

Solution: Apart from changing the frequency, try using moisturizing products to restore the hair cuticles and opt for sulfate-free shampoos.

3. You might notice more dandruff.

What Happens to Your Hair If You Wash It Every Day

Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp starts to itch and flake, leaving some white flecks in your hair as residue. When you overdo it with the washing, you’re unintentionally removing the natural sebum from your scalp, which is essential for keeping it nourished and healthy. This, in turn, can cause your scalp to be drier and produce even more dandruff.

Solution: Sometimes a simple rinse will be enough to remove the excess oil and grime. If you suffer from dandruff, then you could try an exfoliation together with a tea tree oil shampoo until the flakes clear away.

4. You can have more split ends.

What Happens to Your Hair If You Wash It Every Day

Split ends are a result of the fraying of the hair fiber, usually at the end of the strand. If you have split ends, then you might want to cut back on your washing routine. When hair is wet, it’s even more susceptible to damage. That’s why the more often you wash it, the more likely the hair fibers will break.

Solution: If you already have split ends, then there’s no solution to it but to trim them off. Afterward, try using dry shampoo on those days when you’re not getting your hair wet to reduce the greasy aspect of your hair.

5. Your hair may look more dull and oily.


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