Health & Fitness


Another one of the main nails and tongue health tips is to be careful when biting your nails. Even if your nails look healthy, you should refrain from biting it too hard because this may lead to severe pain. Biting nails too hard leaves deep grooves and can cause severe pain and bleeding. This is because the natural substance that makes up the nail is called keratin. When you bite your nails too hard, the natural substance that protects them is damaged and is easily caused infections. In fact, it is more likely to cause an infection in areas that have been bitten that have not been properly protected.

If you have beautiful nails, you shouldn’t need to keep them moisturized. Moisturizing your nails will make them brittle and prone to breakage. Keeping your nails moisturized by applying petroleum jelly or hand lotion is not a bad idea at all. You should also be careful when applying nail polish to your nails. Some polishes are made with harsh chemicals that can be very damaging.

As we have mentioned earlier, your nails should not be exposed to too much heat. Excessive heat can cause irreparable damage. Keep your nails out of direct sunlight and use sun block when you do not need to go out in the sun for a while. When you do want to go out in the sun, you can put a little of lotion on your nails before you step out of the house in order to protect them. These simple tips will help you maintain your nails and keep them healthy.

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