
What Does Increased Hair In Different Parts Of The Body Say About Women’s Health

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome

This syndrome is another cause of hirsutism, ie, increased hair growth and can also cause irregular menstruation. This condition occurs as a result of enlarged ovaries that contain small follicles and require a medical examination.

Symptoms can include mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and sleep problems.

  • Impairment of adrenal function

If the adrenal glands do not work properly, the hormonal balance changes and excessive hair growth is one of the biggest symptoms of this phenomenon.

Other symptoms are: High blood pressure, weakened muscles, upper body weight gain, too low or too high blood sugar levels.

  • Abnormal tissue growth

If hirsutism occurs suddenly and abruptly, you should see a doctor. The dramatic increase in hair growth is a sign of extremely high levels of testosterone and may also be the result of abnormal tissue growth and even tumor, which releases male hormones.

This is a rare occurrence, but a doctor should see you immediately.

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