
What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

The minerals that this plant contains are iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, chromium, and selenium. These minerals boost the metabolic system. The plant is also high in amylase and lipase, which helps break down fat and sugar in the digestive tract.

This plant also contains 11 of the 20 essential amino acids, such as salicylic acid that breaks down bacteria and is an anti-inflammatory acid.

By consuming this plant, it can eliminate toxins from the colon, liver, stomach, spleen, bladder, and kidneys. It can also soothe the joint inflammation, as well as relieving ulcers, upset stomach, indigestion, and gut inflammation.

Aloe Vera can also improve dental health if used as a mouthwash by removing plaque, soothes, and canker sores.

The way to ingest this plant is by getting its juice, which can be bought from any health food stores. Also, if you have Aloe Vera at home, you can make the juice by squeezing the plant’s juice inside any drink or smoothie.

Based on a lot of research, there are doses recommended for using Aloe Vera and they are:

–    If you are constipated consume 100-200 milligrams of Aloe Vera daily.

–    If you have high cholesterol, take one capsule containing 300 milligrams of Aloe Vera twice a day for two months.

–    If you have inflammatory bowel disease, take 100 milliliters twice a day for four weeks

If you want to find how much dosing you need for another specific treatment or other health issues, consult your doctor.

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