
What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

Aloe Vera is a plant that is regarded as one of the most powerful natural remedies, with many healing properties, which many had been known for centuries. The Native Americans called this plant The Wand of Heaven, and the Egyptians called it The Plant of Immortality.

Even though this plant is used to this day, its usage is not restricted to applying on wounds, burns, or scrapes, but it can be eaten to improve other aspects of the overall health.

Aloe Vera can clean the body and boost the immune system with its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Christine Ruggeri, a nutrition counselor, talks about some of the healthy components in the Aloe Vera, such as the enzymes and how they break down the proteins that we consume into amino acids, turning enzymes into fuel for the body cells. She also talks about the bradykinase existing in Aloe Vera that stimulates the immune system and fights off infections. Another part of the plant is zinc, which can be used for zinc deficiencies in order to boost the immune function, fight off bacteria and diseases, and is a key structural component of hormone receptors and proteins.

These are just three of the two hundred constituents of the Aloe Vera. There are minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, enzymes, and amino acids that build the Aloe Vera plant.

This plant is rich in vitamins such as A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, and choline. It also contains the B12 vitamin which is important to the body to create red blood cells.


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