
Top 5 Natural Oils for Eyelashes Growth

  • 2-3 teaspoon of Olive oil
  • A mascara wand

How to do:

  • Initially take a mascara wand. Make sure to clean and dry this wand before use.
  • Now dip this mascara wand in pure olive oil (2-3 teaspoon of oil).
  • Apply the oil via the wand to the eyelashes in the way similar as mascara.
  • Leave this overnight and wash it in morning.

Best time to apply: In night.

Repetitions in a day: Once a day.

Quantity: 2-3 teaspoon of Olive oil.

2. Castor oil for Eyelashes Growth:


  • 1 teaspoon of Castor oil
  • A clean brush

How to do:

  • Initially, clean your face thoroughly and also clean region around your eye.
  • Now take a clean brush and apply 1 teaspoon of oil to the eyelashes starting at the inner core of the eye as well as coating the eyelashes right from the base to the tip.
  • Make sure that both your eyelashes get completely coated with this oil.
  • Finally leave it on overnight prior washing the face during the morning.

Best time to apply: Before you go to bed.

Repetitions in a day: Once a day.

Quantity: Very few drops of Castor oil (equivalent to 1 teaspoon).

3. Argan oil for Eyelashes Growth:


  • 2 teaspoon of Argan oil
  • 1 old mascara container with brush

How to do:

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