Health & Fitness

These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

How are microwaves dangerous?

There are approximately 2.45 billion hertz inside your microwave, which is fine if the seal of your microwave door is not leaking. The amount of frequency proven to harm the human body is just 10 hertz. So, you should be cautious and never stand near a microwave that is on. Microwave leaking radiation is a serious issue, so the only way to eliminate the dangers associated with microwaves is to completely avoid its use.

How does a microwave leaking radiation harm our bodies?

  • It causes birth defects
  • It causes cancer
  • Cataracts – Due to our eyes lack blood vessels to dissipate the cellular stress and heat from the microwave
  • It weakens your immune system
  • Reduces resistance to bacterial and viral infections
  • It causes more serious and severe illnesses

Note: Even when your microwave oven is perfectly sealed, you are still exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF). These EMF can penetrate into our bodies and cause serious health issues. According to EPA, the limited exposure to EMF is 0.5 to 2.5 mG. If you stand only 4 inches from your microwave when it is on, you will be exposed to 100 to 500 mG. Standing 3 feet away from your microwave when it is on will expose you to 1 to 25 mG.

The bottom line is that microwaves cause a variety of health issues, even cancer. They destroy the nutrition and everything that is good in our food and weaken our bodies. So, getting rid of them permanently is something that we should all be thinking about.

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