Health & Fitness

These 6 reasons can be the cause of the bad smell of urine

This may be the reason for this bad smell
It happens to all of us: While urinating, you notice that the smell is not very good. what is the reason? There are certain things that can cause this. We have compiled a list for you.

  1. The food you eat.

We all know that eating asparagus can cause foul-smelling urine. But did you know that Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, curry, and alcohol can have the same effect? They all cause sulfur to hydrate, which makes the smell very unpleasant. Unfortunately, in this case, there’s not much you can do except watch what you eat and accept the fact that your urine won’t smell very fresh.


A bad smell of urine caused by hormonal imbalances is a symptom of early pregnancy. You will also need to urinate a lot during the first trimester. A pregnant woman produces more blood that circulates throughout the body, and thus into the kidneys as well. This means that they produce more urine, too. But don’t worry now: Having to pee a lot and smelling urine doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. However, if you notice an increased amount of discharge or have frequent yeast infections, it is not a good idea to take a pregnancy test or go to your doctor for a checkup. These five reasons can be the cause of the bad smell of urine


If your urine is dark yellow and smells foul, you may be dehydrated. The solution is simple: drink more water. Within hours, your urine will be lighter and odor free. It takes about three hours for what you eat and drink to affect your urine.

4. Urinary tract infection


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