Health & Fitness

The Meaning Of The Most Common Nightmares

All people had a nightmare at least once in their lives. Nightmares can be very disturbing and frightening. They also hide their meaning that can help you find out the secrets of your psyche.

Experts believe that nightmares are the way your subconscious has drawn attention to the situation you are avoiding, but which obviously causes problems. Therefore, the best solution is to face the situation.
Perhaps you did not know that there are dreamy and scientific interpretations of nightmares. In the following, read the interpretations of the most common nightmares …

The most common nightmares and their meaning

Dream interpretation: Dreaming spiders usually means that someone your loved one (usually a parent or mother’s figure) is very busy and “knit a grid” around your life. You may feel as outcasts in certain situations. Or you may be trying to keep yourself away from some tempting temptation.

Scientific Interpretation: Spiders are the most common types of hypnagogic hallucinations. These are vivid sensations that resemble the dreams that occur to people when they hear, see, feel, or smell something that happened shortly before falling asleep. 10% of the population experience hallucinations during sleep.

Drowning and waves
Dream interpretation: The oceans represent emotions. So if you dream of drowning in the ocean, it usually means that you are flooded with emotions suppressed. You feel exhausted, you have too many obligations and endeavor to endure.

Scientific Interpretation: If you are dreaming that you are drowning, it means you have difficulty breathing while sleeping. Most likely a sleep apnea or an unconscious muscle spasm that occurs when people fall asleep.

Dream interpretation: If you dream of falling, it means that you feel as if you have failed or that a certain situation in your life begins to deteriorate. Also, you feel that you have no control over things and that you are stuck in a hole from which you try to exit.

Scientific Interpretation: The feeling of falling can result from the fluid that passes into your inner ear. If you experience a feeling of falling along with muscle spasms, this means that you are experiencing a hypnagogic trembling that usually occurs before falling asleep.

Falling of teeth


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