
The Magic Homemade Recipe for Fastest Hair Growth! 3 Ingredients Only

Egg yolk contains amino acids and proteins which accelerate a fast and healthy regrowth of the hair. It is also rich in biotin which renews hair roots and follicles.

Honey is a well-known antioxidant and has strong anti-germicidal and anti-fungicidal properties as well. All of these and the natural wax it contains make the honey a great conditioner and excellent tool in the prevention of hair loss.

Castor oil has been used for centuries in hair loss treatment. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties and it is very powerful against dandruff, scalp infections and folliculitis. Castor oil contains ricin oleic acid which improves the blood flow to your scalp and accelerates hair growth. It was proven that it can boost hair growth up to 3-5 times.

This mixture is the perfect solution if you have hair loss problem. You won’t regret if you try it.

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