
The Easiest Way To Keep Flies Away

I hung a bag from one of my back porch posts and it does a great job of keeping the flies away. We are able to eat outside without all the flies everywhere.

Why does it work? I honestly have no idea. I noticed my friend said that the flies think that the pennies are another insect’s eyes. Someone else said the refracted light scares the flies away. I am just happy for under $.10 I can keep the flies away from my food.

Keep in mind this will only work during the day when the sun can reflect off the pennies and water. You will also need to use something else to keep away the mosquitos. It isn’t the prettiest of methods, so if you are having a nice party you may want to try a better way. Maybe pennies and water in a wine glass?

So far I am loving this simple trick to keep the flies away. I can’t wait to see if it works all summer long. Have you tried this yet? I would love to hear any tips or tricks you have for keeping the flies away.

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