On a Lazy Liza’s day, you want to do two things in one. Step into the shower and run the water on warm. This is the time you rinse the tub while taking a shower. Yep, take a shower and wash the tub at the same time.
Have your cleaning rag and a broom with you. The broom to scrub the floor of the tub and the rag to wipe the corners of the tub. Not only will the broom works as a brush, but for those who can’t bend, or just hate to bend the broom will be the perfect thing for you.
Before you get out, squeeze the cleaning rag dry then use it to wipe away the water from the walls and floor of the tub and your job is over. To make the walls shiny, mist with WD-40 and use a lint cloth to shine.
That’s Lazy Liza’s tip on the fastest, easiest, and laziest way to clean a bathtub and have your bathing area looking as if you spent a whole day cleaning it. We hope this tip was helpful. Have fun cleaning, see you soon!