Health & Fitness


When you develop a headache after the day’s work sitting in front of a computer you take an aspirin to be relived. Aspirin also has functions in the home; it produces incredible results when it is used at home.

9 Tricks you can perform with Aspirin:


You can delay wrinkles with a paste made with aspirin. Grind 4 tables of aspirin, mix with water until you get a consistent paste. Apply on the face with a gentle massage. Repeat 2 times per week.

Long Lasting Flowers:

Bouquet of flowers that you give away may wilt as time goes by. Aspirin can help in this kind of situation. Add aspirin to the vase. Do this every 2 weeks.

Incarnated Hairs:

Those hairs that get stuck under the skin can be unpleasant. To eliminate them, mix 3 grounded tablets with warm water. With circular massage, apply the mixture to the affected area. Allow for 10 minutes and rinse with lots of cold water. This should be done 3 times in a week for 4 weeks.

Removes Sweat stains from clothes:

Aspirin will make things such as white fruit patches formed from a combination of deodorant and sweat to disappear. All you need is to dissolve 4 crushed aspirin tablets in a bowl of warm water. Place the clothes in the bowl and allow to soak for 1 hour. Take them off and wash as you usually do.

Exfoliating the lips:


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