
Simple And Effective: How To Heal Your Cracked Feet With Baking Soda

  • Stir the baking soda into the mixture by gently moving it around the bowl with your feet.
  • Make sure to pay lots of attention to areas where the skin is generally harder or thicker. These include the bottom of your heels, the area under your toes, and the soles of your feet. Massage a lot of the mixture into these areas. Use your hands if you need to.
  • Remember to work the mixture on the tops of your feet and ankles as well, even if they are not completely submerged. These are the parts of your feet that are the most exposed when you wear sandals or flip flops!
  • When you are satisfied that you have rubbed enough, sit down with a book or your favorite TV show and soak your feet for an additional five minutes.
  • Clean your feet with lukewarm water and dry them thoroughly.
    You should find that your feet look and feel healthy and rejuvenated! The combination works because the two ingredients complement each other. Milk contains lactic acid which softens the skin. Baking soda, on the other hand, has abrasive properties that can remove dry, rough stains once they have been softened.

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