Health & Fitness

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil (Extra Virgin, Pure, Unrefined)

Drinking extra virgin olive oil is good for your health because it can benefit your cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and may even boost your cognitive health.

One study showed that men who consumed 40 ml of extra virgin olive oil weekly showed signs of better cardiovascular health. This was due to the high levels of oleocanthal which is a powerful antioxidant. (6)

Consuming olive oil is healthy for you because of its high content of oleic acid. This healthy monounsaturated fat makes up for around 83% of the EVOO content. (2)

Oleic acid has been linked to strengthening immunity, lowering inflammation, better skin health, and protecting the cardiovascular system. (7)

Virgin olive oil contains about 500 mg/L of polyphenols. (2) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that polyphenols are important compounds to protect human health against degenerative diseases and cancer. (9)

Drinking olive oil is good for treating constipation: one scientific study mentioned that olive oil can be used as a stool softener. You can drink one tablespoon of olive oil before bed and in the morning to soften your stool and relieve constipation.

Here are the many proven health benefits of drinking olive oil:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Promotes Good Cardiovascular Health

Drinking one or 2 tablespoons every day of extra virgin olive oil can help to keep your heart healthy and prevent heart disease.

The British Journal of Nutrition published a review of studies done on the cardiovascular effects of consuming olive oil. Researchers found that olive oil helps to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. (11)

Some of the reasons why extra virgin olive oil is so good for your cardiac health is that it helps to lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Drinking olive oil regularly can lower blood pressure

One clinical study found that consuming virgin olive oil helped to lower blood pressure in elderly persons over a 4-week period. The men and women in the trial consumed 60 g of extra virgin olive oil daily. A diet rich in olive oil helped to reduce systolic blood pressure. (12)

A systematic review of the effects of polyphenols in extra virgin olive oil found that their cardio-protective effects include treating hypertension. (13)

Lab trials involving animal subjects have also confirmed why olive oil is good for reducing blood pressure. Scientists found that administering olive oil always reduced blood pressure in hypertensive rats. The scientists concluded that EVOO can be a useful tool for treating high blood pressure. (14)

Taking olive oil is good for your heart and may help prevent heart attack

Another reason why taking extra virgin olive oil regularly is good for you is that it can lower your risk of a heart attack.

A clinical study involving over 7,000 humans have found that consuming extra virgin olive oil daily greatly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Researchers found that for every 10 g of extra virgin olive oil a day, your risk of dying from a major coronary event is lowered by 7%. (15)

The study found that extra virgin olive oil was more effective than regular olive oil in preventing heart disease.

EVOO can lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce atherosclerosis

The Journal of Nutrition published a study showing that men who consumed virgin olive oil had lower LDL cholesterol levels than men who used refined olive oil. Over a 3-month period, the men cooked with extra virgin olive oil. At the end of the study, it was found that the high levels of antioxidants in EVOO protects against “bad” cholesterol. (16)

Other studies have shown that the benefits of extra virgin olive oil in the Mediterranean diet help to increase HDL, or “good” cholesterol. This is the healthy type of cholesterol that reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease. (17)

Another reason to consume 1 or 2 tablespoons a day of extra virgin olive oil is that it is good for reducing plaque buildup in your arteries. Scientists have found that regular consumption of EVOO helps to reduce artery inflammation and remove plaque from your arteries. (18)

Consuming more extra virgin olive oil can reduce your risk of stroke

Because extra virgin olive oil is so good for keeping your cardiovascular system healthy, it means that it can help prevent a stroke.

Research from 2018 found that the oleic acid content of virgin olive oil can lower the incidences of suffering from a stroke or heart attack. Researchers suggested that people regularly take extra virgin olive oil to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. (19)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Cooking with extra virgin olive oil or drinking extra virgin olive oil can help prevent the effects of having a poor diet.

The journal Current Pharmaceutical Design reported that poor dietary habits can lead to chronic inflammation. This is implicated in a number of serious and life-threatening diseases. However, the anti-inflammatory compounds in olive oil such as oleocanthal can help to reduce inflammation in the body. (20)

Other studies have suggested that the anti-inflammatory properties of extra virgin olive oil can help to manage various inflammatory diseases. Consuming extra virgin olive oil can help improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and lupus. (21)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Has Antibacterial Properties

One of the many benefits of cooking with extra virgin olive oil is that antioxidants in the oil can kill off bacteria.

Research has shown that the addition of olive oil to food can protect against infection from food-borne pathogens. For example, mayonnaise or salads that had extra virgin olive oil added contained fewer Salmonella and Listeria germs. (22)

Some other studies suggest that consuming pure olive oil can have an antibacterial effect on Helicobacter pylori infections. (23) This means that consuming 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the morning could help treat peptic ulcers.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Good to Take if You Have Diabetes

Supplementing your diet with extra virgin olive oil can be good for you if you suffer from diabetes.

Scientists have revealed that compounds in olive oil like oleuropein help your body secrete more insulin and have a detoxifying effect on the body. The researchers said that oleuropein could prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. (24)

A meta-analysis of 29 trials involving over 15,000 people with diabetes found that olive oil can help to prevent and also manage diabetes symptoms. (25)

One study found that women who regularly consume olive oil have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study involved nearly 60,000 women over a 22-year period. The researchers suggested that taking 1 tablespoon daily of olive oil can help to lower the risk of diabetes by up to 15%. (26)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps to Strengthen Bones

A daily dose of extra virgin olive oil can help to prevent osteoporosis and brittle bones in older persons.

A review of the benefits of olive oil on bone health found that consuming 50 ml of olive oil every day prevented loss of bone density. (27)

Also, women who took 20 ml of enriched extra virgin olive oil daily reduced the effects of oxidative stress on bone health. The extra virgin olive oil was enriched with vitamin K, D3, and B6. (28)

Other studies have suggested that taking a dose of extra virgin olive oil can prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. (29)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Can Help You Lose Weight

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