
Remove Age Spots and Hyperpigmentation With This Amazing Natural Remedy With Just 2 Ingredients!

Just soak the cotton balls in the cold milk that has been in the refrigerator for 2 hours

Then place these cotton balls under your eyes on the dark circles until these cotton balls become warm
Do this thrice a day for few weeks to get desired results

3. Rose Water For Dark circles

It is enriched with antioxidants which can really help to strengthen the skin tissues. It has fantastic skin-enhancing advantages that can lighten the circles under your eyes.


Dip the cotton balls in the rose water and just place them over your eyes
Leave them for about 15 minutes and then wash this with lukewarm water
Do this twice a day daily for two weeks

4. Tomato

Tomato is very useful to get rid of dark circles because if it’s an antioxidant compound called lycopene. It helps a lot to remove the dark circles from the skin. It also has the natural moisturization properties that provide the hydration to the skin under the eyes which can remove the dark circles caused by the dry skin.


Get 1 medium sized tomato and make the paste of it
Also get 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of gram flour and a pinch of turmeric powder
Mix three of these with tomato paste
Apply this paste on the dark circles
Leave it for almost 15 minutes
Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Do this twice or thrice a week until you get the required results


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