
Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems

Hair growth

If you are having some hair loss problems, you will be relieved to hear that salt can stimulate the growth of your hair.

When you wash your hair, you need to massage your scalp with salt for 15 minutes. After you are done with the massage, rinse the salt off with water. Repeat this procedure two times a week for two months.

Anti-oily hair

The excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, result in oily hair. To fix this problem, add three tablespoons of salt in your shampoo and wash your hair with this combination. After just a few treatments, you will notice that your hair is shiny again, and this time it is not excessively oily.

Anti-dandruff treatment

Because salt boosts circulation, it is very efficient in removing dandruff, which is a layer of dead skin cells on your scalp.

To get rid of this problem, divide your hair into two sections and then massage your scalp with the help of two teaspoons of salt for around ten minutes and then rinse.

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