Health & Fitness

One Remedy That Will Give Full Stop To Your Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Remedy To stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Below is the remedy for making mucus clearing juice that clears sinus and respiratory track and makes breathing easy.


  • 2 Apples
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Piece of ginger
  • Half lemon juice

How To Make: Cut the ingredients into small pieces, remove the seeds of apple and peel of ginger. Now blend this in a juicer and drink this juice 2-3 hours before sleeping. You can add honey if you feel the taste strong.

Apple can clear the congestion as it contains citric acid. It can be consumed daily for clearing the mucus from the air passage.

Lemon also contains citric acid and this acid helps to drain the sinus and makes your breathing easy.

Carrot is rich in vitamin A that can help to prevent all respiratory infections at bay. It can even be helpful in clearing the sinus.

Ginger has got anti inflammatory and antibiotic properties that helps to ease the congestion during cold and flu.

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