Health & Fitness

Nerve Pain Relief – Sciatica Cure and Prevention Tips

The use of essential oils for nerve pain relief is also not supported by scientific research. There are no published studies showing that essential oils effectively relieve pain. However, several people claim that they are very effective in relieving their symptoms. These include several popular fragrance oils including eucalyptus oil, citronella oil and lemon oil.

The treatment of sciatic nerve pain can be successful if it is done in the correct manner. Diet, exercises and supplements are not necessarily effective. Although many people may think that taking anti-inflammatory or pain medications is the answer, these types of medications do not prevent or reduce pain. They simply mask pain. A better solution is to find a natural treatment that actually prevents neuropathy or treats the cause of neuropathy.

Taking supplements containing vitamin B12 is one of the most common ways to treat nerve pain. In addition to vitamin B12, other supplements that can help are magnesium, zinc and beta carotene. Studies have shown that taking vitamin B12 and the above mentioned supplements can help prevent neuropathy and reduce pain. In addition, there are no known ill effects from these types of supplements.

If you suffer from neuropathy, then you definitely need to take multivitamins. Taking a supplement with vitamin B12 and magnesium is important. Other supplements that are beneficial are zinc and beta carotene. It is also important to take a multi-vitamin daily.

To find the best way to treat and prevent neuropathy, it is important to do some research online. A lot of people have successfully used the natural way to treat nerve pain and sciatica. Many people have found natural supplements like grape seed extract, turmeric, and olive leaf extract to be very helpful. By keeping an eye out for new information on a daily basis, you can keep your options open and start treating your nerve pain and sciatic nerve pain now.

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