
Natural Beauty Tips: 7 Ways to Bring Out Your Own Natural Beauty

Seven Tips to Help you Bring Out Your own Natural Beauty
As we get older, many of us find that we don’t have the time or the inclination to spend a lot of energy on hair care and makeup each day.We want a more natural alternative, but we still want to look our best.

1 . Don’t go nuts…all at once.

If you are accustomed to spending a lot of money on salon or spa beauty treatments, wean yourself off of such treatments gradually. If you wear a lot of makeup or perfume, try decreasing the amount you wear a little bit at a time.

For me to go completely barefaced is kind of a shock, but I really like the minimal makeup I wea now. These days, I feel that I look my best with a quick swipe of a light powder foundation (the brand I like doubles as an SPF15 sunscreen), a smudge of eyeliner, a quick coat of mascara and a smear of light pink gloss.

I much prefer this look to my old look, but it took a while to get used to it. I started decreasing the amount of makeup I wore each day until I found something that best suits me.

2. Try plant-based cosmetics.

Experiment with some of the natural skin care and fragrance lines,which use elements and fragrances from the natural world. Aveda, L’Occitane and Origins are three of my favorites. The scents of these products are heavenly but not overpowering.

3. Get the right hair products.

 Many times, the only thing standing between you and a wash-and-wear hairstyle is the right styling product. Ask your stylist for recommendations on a product that will allow you to go from wet hair to a styled look with no heat styling. The quality and breadth of styling products available to the general public these days is staggering.

You’ll also want to look online for no-heat styling tips for your hair type and length. In addition to all the time you’ll save in the morning, your hair will stay healthier over time, too.

4. No roots. 


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