Nail infection is caused due to the fungi present in your body. If you came in contact with someone who was suffering from a fungal disease it may come to you. As per the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), toenails are more affected than the fingernails as toenails remain restricted to shoes and thus they remain in warm and moist conditions.
Whenever you visit a nail salon to get a manicure or pedicure be sure that the staff is using disinfectant tools. If un-sanitized tools are used they will cause to spread fungal infection.
Keep foot and hand sanitation to keep yourself safe from fungal infection. Here are a few suggestions to prevent fungal infection:
- Your nails should be kept short, dry, and clean.
- wear synthetic socks that breathe.
- Use sprays or powders that are anti-fungal.
- Avoid exposure to water by wearing rubber gloves.
- Don’t pick or bite nails.
- In public places and pools wear sandals.
- While you get your manicure or pedicure make sure that properly sterilized tools are being used.
- Avoid using artificial nails and nail polish to a maximum extent.
- After touching infected nails must wash your hands.
- Don’t share shoes and socks.
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January 15, 2022
2,596 3 minutes read