
List of Cholesterol Lowering Foods

Diet is closely related to cholesterol levels. To lower cholesterol, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber and foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient needed by the body. Eating foods rich in dietary fiber can not only promote intestinal peristalsis and help digestion, but also lower cholesterol levels.

1.Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats (Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil, Peanuts, Olives, Avocados)

Cholesterol Reduction: 18%
Substituting saturated animal fats with healthier fats like olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and avocados results in a drastic reduction in your LDL cholesterol. Specifically, a diet high in olive and sunflower oil, that contains 12.9% saturated fat, 15.1% monounsaturated fat, and 7.9% polyunsaturated fat can achieve an 18% reduction in LDL cholesterol vs people on a diet higher in saturated fat.

2.Bran (Oat, Rice)

Cholesterol Reduction:7-14%

Bran, particularly oat bran, has been proven effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Add bran to hot cereals and bread. Also, eating whole oatmeal every morning, or switching to whole products like brown rice, can help you get more bran in your diet and lower your cholesterol.

3.Flax Seeds

Cholesterol Reduction: 8-14%
Up to 50 grams of flax seeds a day has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in healthy young adults by up to 8%, and 38 grams of flax seeds per day reduced LDL cholesterol by 14% in people with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). In both studies, the flax seeds were consumed in a muffin or other bread product. Flax seeds are easily incorporated in baked goods, as well as added to hot cereals like oatmeal.



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