Health & Fitness

Iron Deficiency Symptoms That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Iron is a vital element that our body requires and its deficiency causes several ailments. A fixed quantity of iron is needed in every human body. This is so because iron is a constituent part of hemoglobin and thus it keeps our immunity efficient.

You Feel Exhausted Easily

We tend to overlook the tiredness or fatigue we feel, labeling them as being a result of stress. But it might be a crucial symptom of your body lacking iron.

You Pant Heavily

Deficiency of iron causes anemia and this, in turn, leads to you feeling breathless soon. Naturally, you will tire out very easily.

You Crave Weird Things

It’s called Pica where people start craving for inedible things like chalk. If the person eats those particular things which they are craving, they might get choked. This is a sign of iron deficiency.

Excessive Hair Fall

Your body meets the lack of iron by culling the less important users of iron. Hair is one of the least important organs and hence it gets rejected. Thus, resulting in excessive hair fall.

You’re Depressed And/ Or Anxious

The above-described symptoms automatically result in a person becoming depressed. On top of that, the person will feel highly irritated due to being fatigued.

You May Have Swollen Muscles


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