
Ice Cube On Face: 15 Beauty Benefits

Those who have suffered from heat rashes know the pain. Ice cubes are a natural remedy to cure such rashes. Wrap them up in a cotton cloth and rub over the affected area. This relieves the inflammation and heals the heat rashes.

11. Relieves Sunburn

This is also a magic cure for your sunburns. After applying ice cubes on the sunburnt area, you can see a significant reduction in inflammation and redness. However, sunburns fade with time and with regular application.

12. Gives You An Oil-Free Look

While having oily skin is a bane in itself, too much oiliness can be especially bothersome. Oily skin is often prone to outbreaks. Applying ice cubes on your face can help in reducing excess oil production. This is because rubbing ice packs shrinks the oil-producing pores, thus reducing excessive oiliness.

13. Reduces Tweezing Inflammation

Tweezing your eyebrows is something you can’t go without. However, you cannot deny the pain caused by the process. You don’t need to suffer through that pain anymore. Rub an ice cube on the area to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.

14. Exfoliates Your Skin

When it comes to exfoliation, you can ditch all the commercially available exfoliators for an all-natural and pure method. Rub your face with milk ice cubes. Milk contains lactic acid that helps in clearing all the dead skin cells while the ice cube improves your radiance and natural glow.

15. Is Your Natural Makeup

Last minute rush? Don’t have enough time to apply your makeup? Spare just 2 minutes and rub an ice cube all over your face. Ice therapy on your face rejuvenates your skin, exfoliates it, and imparts a beautiful glow to it.

Now, let’s amp up this ice game with a few more hacks. No doubt, applying plain ice cubes on your face will help, but mixing it with herbs and blends can be even more helpful. Here are a few refreshing ice cube hacks for you.

Get Full Benefits Of Ice Cubes With These Natural Remedies

1. Green Tea Ice Cubes For Tired And Puffy Eyes

What You Need
  • 2-3 green tea bags
  • Water
  • Ice tray
  1. Put the green tea bags in hot water.
  2. Brew strong green tea.
  3. Pour it into an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer.
  4. Apply a cube every day on your dark circles and puffy eyes.
  5. Let the water dry on its own. Avoid washing your face after this.
How Does It Help?

Green tea contains antioxidants, and the ice helps reduce swelling and appearance of dark circles.

2. Aloe Vera Ice Cubes For Soothing Your Skin After Sun Exposure

What You Need

Aloe vera extract (enough to fill your ice tray)

  1. Pour the aloe vera extract into the ice cube tray. You can also blend it a bit before you do so.
  2. Place the ice tray in a freezer.
  3. Apply on your face after sun exposure.
  4. Let it dry and do not wash off afterward.
How Does It Help?

Aloe vera calms your skin and reduces inflammation. The ice has a soothing impact on your skin that’s scorched due to sun exposure. You will instantly feel relaxed.

3. Cooling Cucumber Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • 1 cucumber (or more, depending on your ice tray capacity)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  1. Blend the cucumber in a blender and mix the lemon juice into it.
  2. Pour it in the ice tray and let it freeze until the cubes are formed.
  3. Apply on your face after coming back home from a tiring day.
  4. Do not wash or dry your skin with a towel. Let it dry naturally.
How Does It Help?

The combination of cucumber, lemon, and ice is incredibly soothing for tired skin. Cucumber has a soothing effect on your skin while lemon brightens it up.

4. Acne Busting Cinnamon Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • Water (as per your need)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (or 4-5 drops cinnamon essential oil)
  • 3-4 drops rosehip oil
  1. Mix the oils (or cinnamon powder) in water.
  2. Pour it in the ice tray and make ice cubes.
  3. Apply to the affected area or all over your face.
  4. Let the liquid dry. Do not wash.
  5. Follow this routine 3 times a week.
How Does It Help?

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties while rosehip contains vitamin C. Ice shrinks your pores, thus reducing excessive oiliness.

5. Rose Petal Antibacterial Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • 1 cup dried rose petals
  • 4-5 drops rosehip oil
  • Water
  1. Mix all the ingredients in water and pour in the ice tray.
  2. Let the ice cubes set and then apply all over your face and neck.
  3. Let the liquid dry on its own. Don’t wash.
How Does It Help?

Rosehip oil has an antibacterial and anti-aging effect on your skin. Rose petals also have antibacterial properties and help in calming your skin.

Now you know the tricks to make ice cubes work for your skin. However, there are several things you need to keep in mind before you start using ice cubes on your face.

Ice Therapy For Face: Tips To Consider

  • Nothing done in excess is good. Avoid rubbing ice on your skin multiple times a day. Also, never apply ice cubes directly on your face. Always wrap them in a cotton cloth and then use.
  • Before you start the ice treatment, ensure that your face is clean and without any makeup.
  • Spend not more than a minute on a particular area while rubbing the ice cube on your face.
  • Be careful while applying ice cubes around the eyes, especially if they contain any other ingredients. Ensure that they don’t enter the eyes.
  • Always massage and rub in small circular motions.
  • Remember, the ice therapy session should not last longer than 10-15 minutes. For best results, follow this therapy either in the morning or the evening.

Ice therapy is exceptionally rejuvenating and easy on your pocket as well. However, you need to be consistent with your therapy. Otherwise, it will not have any impact on your skin. Have you ever tried ice therapy? If yes, what’s your favorite recipe? How did it help you? Share your experiences in the comments section below.

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