
Ice Cube On Face: 15 Beauty Benefits

Summer can be terrible for your skin. Especially when you see all that healthy glow melting away with the sweat, and no beauty hack seems to work out. Ladies, do you know that you’ve got the ultimate weapon for all your beauty woes lying right in your freezer? Whether you are trying to fight a pimple or make your makeup stick to your skin for longer on a hot summer day, an ice cube is the ultimate answer to all your worries! No matter what your skin condition, an ice cube on face can work like magic. Let’s check out how.

Rubbing Ice Cube On Face: Is It Good?

If you haven’t heard about the ‘Ice Facial’ yet, let me tell you that it is a prevalent Korean beauty trend. This has inspired beauty conscious people across the world to rub ice all over their face to keep it glowing and make it appear smoother.

I know I’ve got you interested now! This cool trend is worth a try as it offers multiple benefits. How? Read on.

A fresh-out-of-the freezer ice cube can be the all-year-round savior for your skin. Here’s how:

1. Key To Glowing Skin

Everyone wants radiant and glowing skin, and an ice massage on the face can give you just that. It improves blood circulation to your skin and makes it bright. Applying ice to your face constricts the blood vessels, which initially lowers the blood flow to your skin. To balance that, your body starts circulating more blood to your face, which makes it lively and radiant.

2. Enhances Product Absorption

This is an age-old trick that ensures the skin absorbs all the products you apply to it. If you have applied night cream or any serum on your skin, rub an ice cube over it. This constricts the capillaries on your face and creates a pulling effect on your skin which, in turn, helps in better absorption of the products.

3. Eliminates Dark Circles

Applying ice to your face regularly can help you deal with stubborn dark circles. What you need to do is boil some rose water and mix cucumber juice in it. Freeze this mixture and then apply the ice cube to your eye area. But, don’t expect results overnight. As it works slowly, you will need to repeat this procedure for a few days to see results.

4. Calms And Soothes Acne On Your Face


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