
How to Wash Your Face and Say Goodbye to Saggy Facial Skin and Wrinkles

Skin problems affect everyone at some point in life, and if you have sensitive skin, prone to acne, you have surely already tried every single product on the market.  Yet, most of these products are full of harsh chemicals that damage the skin and strip it of its natural moisture.

The root cause of acne is still unknown, but among the many, we should list hormonal changes during puberty. Yet, not many know that acne can also be a result of an infection in the openings of sebum glands, as they can get clogged by bacteria. This causes pain, swellings, redness, and inflammation.

Today, we decided to share with you the best natural skin remedy– coconut oil!

This natural oil is a powerful and versatile beauty product, that can do wonders for your skin health, due to the strong moisturizing, antibacterial, and antifungal properties!

Coconuts consist of milk, meat, juice, and oil, and as soon as they are harvested from the coconut palm tree, the oil is extracted from the meat. It is largely made up of saturated fats and is rich in medium chain fatty acids, such as lauric and capric acids, which protect the skin.

This oil is high in vitamin E, that clears blockages of the sebum glands, which is often the actual cause of acne. Moreover, its powerful anti-inflammatory qualities soothe inflammation.

According to Dr.Axe:


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