Health & Fitness

How To Unblock Clogged Ears Naturally

Vicks VapoRub contains eucalyptus oil and menthol that possess both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties  This may help clear clogged ears caused due to inflammation or infection.

You Will Need
Vicks VapoRub (as required)

What You Have To Do
Take a little Vicks on your fingertip.
Apply it behind the affected ear.
Leave it on overnight.
Alternatively, you can also put some Vicks in a bowl of hot water and allow its steam to enter your ears.
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this once daily.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is cerumenolytic and can help in softening the earwax, making it easy to remove. Hydrogen peroxide may be as effective as any other ear drops for clearing ears clogged due to earwax build-up (10).

You Will Need
1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1 tablespoon of distilled water
A dropper
What You Have To Do
Mix a tablespoon each of 3% hydrogen peroxide and distilled water.
Using a dropper, put two to three drops of the solution in the affected ear.
Let the solution sit inside your ear for about 5 minutes.
Blot your ear with a tissue.
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this once daily for 4-5 days to clear the earwax build-up.

Caution: Consult a doctor before carrying out this procedure. Avoid it if you have an ear infection.

5. Mineral Oil
Mineral oil is an excellent option if you are trying to unclog ears that are clogged due to earwax build-up. It is as effective as water-based ear drops in helping to get rid of earwax build-up (11).

You Will Need
Mineral oil (as required)
A dropper
What You Have To Do
Using a dropper, put two to three drops of mineral oil in the affected ear.
Tilt your head and allow the oil to work on your clogged ear for at least 5 minutes.
Blot your ear with a tissue.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily for 2-3 days.

6. Warm Compress
A warm compress can help reduce the pain caused due to clogged ears. The steam from the compress can enter the ear canal and loosen the earwax build-up, making it easier to remove.

You Will Need
A warm compress

What You Have To Do
Apply a warm compress below the affected ear for 5-10 minutes.
Alternatively, you can also use the steam from hot water on the affected ear.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 2-3 times daily.

7. Gargle Salt Water
Salt water in a glassSave

Gargling with water (with/without salt) may help prevent upper respiratory infections (12). It can also help ease symptoms of nasal congestion and clogged ears associated with a cold or flu.

You Will Need
1 teaspoon of table salt
1 glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
Add a teaspoon of table salt to a glass of warm water.
Mix well and gargle with the solution.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this multiple times daily.

8. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol can help prevent cerumen impaction (13). This, in turn, can prevent clogging of ears.

You Will Need
3-4 drops of rubbing alcohol

What You Have To Do
Put two to three drops of rubbing alcohol with a dropper in the affected ear.
Tilt your head and blot your ear with a tissue
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this once a day

9. Passive Techniques
If you are in an airplane or traveling to a hill station and your ears are blocked, some passive techniques may help:

Yawning – Let out a yawn until you hear a pop in your ears. It will clear the pressure built up inside your ears.
Swallowing – Swallowing can also help clear blocked ears in an elevated area.
Chewing – Chewing gum can also help.
Valsalva maneuver – Take a deep breath and pinch your nose soon after. Exhale from your nose with your mouth closed. This is the Valsalva maneuver that can help in popping blocked ears (14).
All the above remedies are quite effective in treating clogged ears. However, there are also some precautions that you may have to follow to prevent your ears from clogging.

How To Prevent Clogged Ears
Avoid cotton swabs or tools to clean your inner ear as it can push the earwax deeper in.
Avoid candling. It is a procedure that uses a cone-shaped candle to pull out excess earwax. However, it doesn’t work, and people are quite likely to burn their hands or ears while doing so.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Keep your nasal passage moist.
Remove any water or foreign object that may have entered your ears.
Remove any excess wax every now and then to avoid excess wax buildup.
Blow your nose to get rid of trapped mucus in the ears as well as chest.
Wear earplugs while swimming or bathing. This can help reduce the risk of water entering deep into the ear canal.
StyleCraze Says
Avoid airplane-related barotrauma by using a nasal decongestant an hour before taking off and before landing.
When To See A Doctor For Clogged Ears
If the above remedies and tips fail to unblock your ears, consult your doctor immediately. Check if your condition is accompanied by the below symptoms:

Pain in the ear, head, or face
Swelling in the ear, head, or face
Symptoms that last for a week or keep recurring
Infographic: 4 Easy Natural Ways To Unblock Clogged Ears At Home
Clogged ears not only leave you with a stuffy feeling, but they cause earwax build-up and can be painful. Natural home remedies may bring some relief by unblocking clogged ears within a few minutes.


4 easy natural ways to unblock clogged ears at home 

StyleCraze Says
An acoustic neuroma (a non-cancerous tumor on the nerve that leads from the inner ear to the brain) can also cause clogged ears.
Clogged ears may seem inconvenient and cause pain and discomfort as well. The above mentioned home remedies, tips, and tricks can help unblock clogged ears safely and easily. Apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, warm compress, and even Vicks VapoRub are some of the common ingredients that can provide you some initial relief from clogged ears.

Frequently Asked Questions
What medicines will treat clogged ears?

Over-the-counter painkillers and decongestants like nasal sprays or tablets are often prescribed to help with clogged ears and their symptoms.

Why is my ear clogged after swimming?

If your ears are clogged and infected after swimming, the condition is known as swimmer’s ears. It is caused when water gets trapped in the ears.

What to do when your ear is clogged?

Try out any of the above tips and remedies to get rid of clogged ears. If nothing seems to help, see a doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of any serious underlying medical condition.


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