Health & Fitness

How to Recover After a Workout

Get a massage

If you’re still feeling tender after your workout despite doing your stretches and a warm down, you might need a little extra care. Getting a massage is not only incredibly relaxing, but it can help to work through any knots or tense muscles that are causing you discomfort. Specialists like Heaven and Earth Massage are ideal for getting some great holistic therapy to treat muscular pain if you have prolonged discomfort after a workout.

Take a bath

A home remedy you can always try is having a nice hot bath and use muscle bath soaks to help ease your aches. For the best results with this method, try to have your bath about an hour before you go to bed and sit in the tub for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes. When you get out of the bath, do some very light, gentle stretches and give yourself a light massage to help your muscles relax and recover while you sleep.

Eat well

Finally, to help your body replenish itself after your workout, make sure you’re eating the right things. Make sure you’re getting some protein, so consider making an omelet or grilling a chicken breast to go with a nice salad. Healthy fats like that in nuts and avocados are also good for you to consume post-workout, too.

To help yourself stay in shape and to make sure your body recovers after exercise, use the tips above for the best results.

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