Health & Fitness

How to Make Your Nails Grow Faster and Stronger

It can be sometimes annoying if you want to grow your nails but they seem to resist that growth! Your wait for having attractive nails never ends, they grow, they chip and they break! And you’re always forced to trim them! If you are annoyed with numerous failed attempts of growing your nails, here is a ray of hope for you.

Here are a few tips on how to grow your nails faster and stronger. But, before that, let’s find out the possible reasons why your nails are not growing as they are supposed to grow. Let’s find out.

You keep biting them off:

Honey, if you have the habit of biting your nails, you need to put the “full stop” to it. This bat habit doesn’t only disturb the growth of your fingernails, it may also cause some bacterial infections to your gut.

Applying nail polish without base coat:

If you love applying nail polish, you have to get in relationship with base coat as well. Applying nail polish without base coat can also slow down the growth of your nails.

Excess use of gel and acrylics:

If you apply gel or acrylics too often on your nails, you’re not allowing them to grow naturally. Using gel and acrylics once in a while is okay, but using them regularly affects the natural growth process of your nails.


Some people are genetically disposed to slow or in a very rare cases, even inward growth of nails. If that’s the case, it may require proper treatment.

How to Grow Your Nails Faster and Stronger:


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