Health & Fitness

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days

4. Increase Protein Intake

You will need to increase your protein intake every day your daily diet. You can have an egg every morning for your breakfast. Include lean meats like fish, chicken, low fat steak and turkey for your lunch or dinner to increase protein intake. Additionally you can also consume protein rich foods like beans, pulses, mushrooms to add variations. Snack on nuts like peanuts and pistachios, this will keep you away from unhealthy snacks too. Munch on fruits like guavas, pomegranate, apricots, blackberries, avocados, passion fruit and bananas. There is a large variety of protein supplements from which you can choose however choose wisely and maximise your protein intake through your diet. Consider taking advice from your nutritionist to know which protein supplement you should opt for.

5. Eat Less Calories

Usually a person leading a sedentary lifestyle consumes about 2500 calories a day. However to reduce weight you will need to create a deficit in calories. Ensure that you consume about 1200 calories a day, this will reduce your calorie consumption by 1300 calories. Make sure you reduce your calorie intake by consuming healthy foods and not by skipping meals.

6. Workout

Follow a workout routine to burn the excess calories and shed extra pounds. Workout will build stamina, balance and strengthen your body. Ensure that you consume sufficient amounts of proteins while you are on workout routine to prevent muscle loss. To lose 10 pounds in 10 days you will need to indulge in a heavy workout that is practically not possible. To get your body in desired shape, choose a workout that suits you the best. Choose from:-

  • Run for 1 hour
  • Swim for 30 minutes
  • Walk 2 hours a day

Watch the video here on workout that will burn 1000 calories a day

7. Get 8 Hours Of Sleep

Fitness experts advocate to get good quality sleep of 8 hours to kick off fats from your body. You body needs to re-charge and refresh to maintain weight. To attain a healthy body, you must follow the classic rule of 8 hours of sleep. It has been observed that lack of sleep leads to sluggish body and makes you eat more and makes you make wrong food choices. Get good and sound sleep to attain good health and lose weight.

8. Drink Water

Water is an essential component of our body without which you get dehydrated. If you are one of those who drink less amounts of water then your body gets easily tired and you look always sleepy. Lack of water leads to dry mouth and skin and your body stops functioning properly. Water keeps your digestive tract clean and allows your liver and kidneys to function properly. Water eliminates toxins from your body and boosts up your metabolism, which in turns helps you burn more calories even if you are not working out. Ensure to drink 2 to 3 litres of water every day to melt fats from your body and shed excess pounds.

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