
How to look good without makeup

With the title of this post, you may think of the ‘no makeup-makeup’ look, as it is trending now. But this is not about it. This blog post is about how to look good with no makeup at all. I personally do that look often, but I never go to work straight from bed. I’ve some tips and tricks to make you feel more beautiful – because beauty is in you, not in makeup.

1. Eyebrows are one of the most interesting features of your face, in my opinion. And I think your eyebrows pop up when you’re not wearing any makeup. So I recommend to dye your eyebrows and eyelashes regularly, if you’re not blessed to born with dark facial hairs. You can do this at home, or at beauty salon, where you can also have a professional to shape your eyebrows.

2. Skin care. This advice may be obvious from me, but it’s important. Take care of your skin! You’ll feel better when your skin is in good condition. Moisturize, exfoliate, use serums, eat healthy, drink water.

3. Nice hairstyle works. I always do a nice hairstyle with no makeup- look, because it makes me feel more beautiful, regardless of my skins current condition. Different braids, curls, refreshed hair color.. you name it.

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