Health & Fitness

How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Natural Home Remedies

If you want to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or improve their appearance, this will interest you! We propose several home remedies that can be of great help to achieve it.

Natural remedies such as flaxseed oil, white sugar and lemon juice are some of the most useful natural remedies to counteract the appearance of stretch marks. These ingredients are also valid in the case that stretch marks are already present on our skin, as they manage to improve the appearance of the same. This is just a preview, do you want to know how to get rid of stretch marks? Keep on reading.

The first thing to understand about stretch marks it is practically impossible for them to disappear naturally once they are present on our skin, unless we undergo surgery.

However, don’t be discouraged so soon! Some remedies and treatments can prevent stretch marks and even significantly improve their appearance, making them less noticeable. As we know how annoying and unsightly stretch marks can be, we propose these 10 home remedies to get rid of them without resorting to surgery.

1. Rosehip oil

You can apply a few drops of this oil directly on the stretch marks, or add it to the body moisturizer you normally use. In addition, rosehip oil is also very useful for improving the appearance of scars.
This is the best rated rosehip oil on Amazon. You can buy it for 15,95€.

2. Shea butter

It is able to soften and improve the appearance of the skin. It can be applied every day after bathing or showering, on the critical points. However, you must first soften it in small quantities between your fingers.

You can find 100% pure shea butter on Amazon for 11,99€.

3. Sweet almond oil

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