Moles are growth on the skin which can develop on any parts of the body. It might not pose any kind of health risk but it might be unsightly. It can be black, flesh, or brown colored. The main reason it appears on the body is hormonal fluctuations, genetics, and exposure. There are many people who would like to remove the mole but it is quite a pocket pinch. However, there are some natural home remedies such as baking soda which can prove to be of great help.
Can Baking Soda Remove Moles?
- When baking soda combines with water or some other solutions, it gives a caustic solution.
- It will release free hydrogen ions. The ions then react with the tissues of the moles and then dehydrate it.
- Other than this, baking soda also has bleaching properties.
- If you apply it to the skin, it will cause you to feel a stinging sensation.
- It means that it is penetrating into the skin deeply. Initially, the mole is dark in color but gradually it will get reduced.
- The process might take a few weeks or a month to show its effects.
1. Castor Oil and Baking Soda
While baking soda dries the mole, castor oil helps with the process of healing.
Things Required:
- Baking soda, and
- Castor oil.
How to Do:
- You need two drops of castor oil and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Add the oil to the soda and mix well to get a sticky paste.
- Spread it out evenly on the mole. Now, take an adhesive bandage and cover it up. This way the paste will stay in place.
- Leave it overnight and take it out the next morning.
Best Time to Apply: Before bed.
No of Repetitions: Do this every alternate day till the mole is removed.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
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December 7, 2022
2,278 3 minutes read
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