Health & Fitness

How To Get Rid Of Bruises Naturally

Warm Water and Vinegar

The vinegar is really incredible to invigorate our blood stream, yet it likewise improves the mending forms. You should join two tablespoons of vinegar into a glass of warm water and blend this well. From that point forward, apply it on the wounds utilizing a cotton ball. Rehash this technique for two times each day.


This one is astonishing against the swelling. Apply a fewcabbage leaves on the wounds and abandon them like that for 20 minutes. It will enable you to mend the wounds quicker on the off chance that you rehash it a few times each day.

Fundamental oils

You will require:

  • a few drops of tea tree or lavender oil


Take a few drops from the oil and after that knead the wounded region with delicate roundabout movements for 15 minutes. Rehash this technique for multiple times each day.

Epsom salt

You need:
  • High temp water
  • Epsom salt

Blend the water with the Epsom salt and after that dunk a cotton ball in it. Apply it on your wounds and remember to rehash it 2 times each day.

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