Health & Fitness

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath with Natural Remedies

Bad breath is caused by bacteria that digest food and can occur even if you adopt a drastic diet. Most people who experience this problem turn to breath mints, but this only triggers a vicious circle because sugar causes the emergence of bacteria that lead to bad breath/halitosis.

Chewing gum and mints can be effective in an emergency situation because they can mask the bad smell, but cannot solve the problem.


If you suffer from halitosis, the symptoms are generally the following:

  • dry month;
  • hard and bitter tongue in the morning, upon awakening;
  • the constant need to mend your voice;
  • the constant need to drink water;
  • sour or metallic taste in the mouth.

Here are a few little tests you can try to make sure you have a fresh breath:

– wipe the middle of your tongue with a cotton pad and smell it;

– put your tongue on the wrist and then smell your wrist.

Clean your tongue with baking soda


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