
How To Get Hardwood Floors To Shine Again

Dealing with dull hardwood floors? Check out how to shine hardwood floors and keep them shiny! It’s easy to polish your floors and have them look like new again.

Do your hardwood floors look dull compared to when they were new?

Hardwood floors can look great when new but time can dull them.

I completely understand. We have dogs and a kiddo that really causes some wear and tear on our floors.

Last weekend I rented a carpet cleaner and today I went through and cleaned and shined my hardwood floors. It is amazing the difference polishing your hardwood floors makes.

When we bought our house our floors were extremely damaged due to neglect and some water damage. Over the last 10 years, our hardwood floors have been well used by kids and dogs. It always amazes me that they come back so shiny with just an hour of work.

If you are dealing with dull hardwood floors check out how to get your hardwood floors shiny again.

To get rid of dull hardwood floors and have them look shiny and new again you will need a few things.

Stuff you will need

  • tennis ball
  • mop
  • vacuum
  • Halloway House Quick Shine

Cleaning and Removing Scuff Marks From Hardwood Floor


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