
How to get Chocolate out of Clothes (4 Proven Methods)

After washing check the treated area for any signs of an oily-looking stain. If the stain is still noticeable apply a stain remover. A stain remover stick, gel, or spray can be used to remove chocolate stains on clothes. When doing this apply the stain remover to both sides. Rinse under the tap or place the clothing into the washer on rinse. When the washer stops remove it and hang it for air drying. This way you can analyze the treated area to ensure the stain is gone. If the stain is persistent repeat the process this should do the trick.

How to get Chocolate Ice Cream out of Clothes

Soak the stained fabric in cold water to push the stain out. Always avoid using hot water as this may set the stain into the fibers. Move on by using a clean rag and dish detergent to saturate the stain. Toss the clothes into the washer on a regular wash.

The Best way to get chocolate Milk out of Clothes

The first thing to do is to soak the clothing in cold water with a few drops of mild dish soap for 25-30 minutes. If the stain persists keep repeating this process step until the stain starts to fade. Continue by washing the clothing with OxiClean color-safe bleach then allow to air dry.

How to get Chocolate Stains out of Clothes

The above method can also be used to get chocolate stains out of white t-shirts. However, chocolate stains on jeans may require 30 minutes of soaking in cold water. To get this done simply follow the above washing method after soaking.

If the chocolate is dried remove it by first scraping it off with a spoon. Older chocolate stains may appear as a dark spots. This may be difficult to remove as it is dried. The easiest way to get the stain out is to saturate the stain using laundry detergent or dish soap.

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