
Hair loss on temples: Causes and Home remedies

6 Simple Ways to treat Hair loss on temples

1. Fenugreek seeds 

fenugreek seeds for hair loss on temples

These seeds kill the bacteria and fungi present on your scalp. It thereby promotes hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. Fenugreek seeds are also treated as the best alternatives to store-bought conditioners. In addition, yogurt and lemon also help to nourish your hair and remove bacteria or dead skin from the scalp.

You’ll need
  • Soaked Fenugreek seeds – 1 cup
  • Yogurt – 2 tbsp
  • Lemon – 1

Firstly, soak the fenugreek seeds overnight. Make a paste of fenugreek seeds by tossing into a blender. To the paste, add two tablespoons of yogurt and pour freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients until well combined.

Apply the paste all over your scalp without leaving any strands of your hair. Rinse off your hair after an hour. Do this treatment at least once a week.

2. Aloe vera

aloe vera for hair loss on temples

Aloe vera has healing properties that are is enriched with vitamins which are essential for healthy hair growth. It nourishes hair follicles and undoes the damage done to the hair.

You’ll need
  • Aloe vera gel – 1tsp

Extract a teaspoon of aloe vera gel from the leaf. Rub the gel over bald areas or temple area and leave it about an hour. Later, rinse it off with a sulfate-free shampoo. You can do this treatment thrice a week.

3. Onions

onion juice for hair loss on temples

Onion juice is rich in sulfur content that kills germs or bacteria leading to hair loss. Therefore, if you massage your hair with onion juice, it can improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth.

You’ll need
  • 1 tsp Extracted Onion juice

Extract the juice from an onion by blending it and squeezing out the liquid. Apply the juice all over the affected areas and leave it on for 15 minutes. Later, wash it off with sulfate-free shampoo. Do this treatment 2-3 times a week to regrow hair on the temple area.

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4. Coconut Oil

coconut oil for hair loss on temples

Coconut oil is an age-old remedy used even today for its amazing beauty and health benefits. It can penetrate through your scalp and nourishes it from deep within. The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil can improve scalp health and boost hair growth. In addition, hibiscus oil is also great to regrow hair and inhibit hair greying.

You’ll need
  • 2 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Hibiscus oil

Heat the mix of both oils – coconut and hibiscus for a couple of seconds until warm. Massage the oils into your scalp for 15 minutes. Also, work the oils through the rest of your hair. Leave it on for a couple of hours or overnight. Rinse off in the morning with lukewarm water. Do this treatment 3-4 times a week.

5. Castor Oil

castor oil for hair loss on temples

Castor oil has gained its popularity in dramatically increases the hair growth rate. Weekly application of castor oil can boost your hair growth to five times compared to other conventional treatments.

You’ll need
  • 3 tbsp Castor oil

Massage the oil into your scalp for 15 minutes. Also, work the oils through the rest of your hair. Leave it on for a couple of hours or overnight. Rinse off in the morning with lukewarm water. Do this treatment 3-4 times a week.

6. Neem Leaves

neem leaves for hair loss on temples

Neem leaves have antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that keep the scalp healthy and acts and effective treatment for temple hair loss. It also improves blood circulation by stimulating hair growth.

You’ll need
  • A bunch of Neem leaves
  • Water

Blend a handful of neem leaves with water to get a smooth consistency. Apply the paste to your temple areas and other affected scalp areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. Apply this paste at least thrice a week.

Tips to Grow Hair on temples

  1. Avoid twisting and Pulling hair – Tight hairstyles can break your hair drastically because they create extra stress or pressure on the hair strands
  2. Avoid Hair treatments – Blow drying, hot iron curls, and other chemical treatments can wreak havoc your scalp eventually leading to hair loss
  3. Reduce Stress levels – Stress can cause any type of hair loss including androgenic alopecia. In order to keep your hair healthy, avoid factors that trigger stress. Instead, participate in doing meditation, spending time with friends, having me times and etc
  4. Eat hair-loss fighting foods – Eat sufficient amounts of protein and omega-3 fatty acids which increase hair growth and keeps your hair healthy and stronger.
  5.  Drink lots of water – If your body is dehydrated, your skin cells won’t be able to grow or flourish. To keep your hair healthy and growing, drink plenty of water (not less than 3 liters a day).
  6. Play with a new part – Parting always in one direction can lead to excessive hair loss. Therefore, switch middle parts and side parts to not lose hair on temples.

Men and women both experience androgenic alopecia in their temples due to many common factors such as genetic and behavioral. If you’re still skeptical about the factor affecting your hair loss on temples or any other part of your scalp try to consult your medical professional.

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