
Hair loss on temples: Causes and Home remedies

Hair loss is a common problem every person experience at some point in their lives. While hair becomes thinner or falls off for some people at a young age, most of the people experience as they reach the early 20’s, 30’s or 40’s.

Hair loss occurs at the temples area, behind your eyes, and side of your head or between ear and forehead as a result of a number of conditions.

Whatever the reason, hair loss at temples is annoying. Especially when you tie a knot or ponytail it becomes a matter of concern.

In this article, you’ll get to know the causes and treatments of temple hair loss. Keep reading until the end!

What is Temple Hair Loss?

temple hair loss

Temple hair loss is basically the thinning of hair at the temples. This kind of hair loss is very common in both and women. The characteristics of male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness are that the hair thinning starts from the temples rather than the top of the head.

Temple hair loss in men or women is pretty common but hard to get rid of it. However, if you’re losing hair at the temples, you’re most likely to lose hair at the top of your head as well.

This type of hair loss also known as Androgenetic alopecia just takes place on just one side. To regrow hair naturally in the temple area you first need to understand the causes of the hair loss. Therefore, keep reading to find out the main causes of temple hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss on Temple


Androgenetic alopecia for men is known as Male-pattern baldness. It mostly occurs in men due to genetic problems.

In women, known as female-pattern baldness can result in less dense hair. Moreover, the scalp area becomes visible but doesn’t include receding hairline.

Of course, there are a number of conditions or causes that result in the loss of hair in the temple area. Some other causes of hair loss on the temple area include,

  •  Stress
  • Tight hairstyles like ponytails and braids
  • Side effects due to certain medications
  • Vitamin Deficiencies which include Vitamin D and B
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal changes during Pregnancy

6 Simple Ways to treat Hair loss on temples


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