
Ginger Wraps – Treats Bad Cough And Removes Mucus From The Lungs in One Night!

Experiencing persistent coughing and sneezing can be a real nuisance and can leave you or your children without sleep and energy during the day. The cough is able to wake you up overnight and ruin your morning, which is why everyone is looking to get rid of them one way or the other.

They are usually treated with cough syrup in most parts of the world. The syrup actually does work, but it does so at the expense of our health. This kind of drug contains a variety of chemicals which can significantly harm your health, and its prolonged use can cause quite a lot of side-effects which can strain your immune system too much. Luckily for us, there exists a natural remedy that can help, and includes the use of two common ingredients we all have in our kitchen – honey and ginger.

The ginger-honey wraps are very good for alleviating coughs and sneezes. They are going to reinforce your immune system and treat colds and similar infections, and are even great for children. Here you have how to prepare them:


  • Organic honey
  • A tablespoon of ginger powder (or grated ginger)
  • Flour
  • Gauze
  • Olive oil
  • Napkin
  • Adhesive tape



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