
Garlic In Milk- Cures Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Problems, Insomnia, Arthritis, Cough And Many Other Diseases!

The daily consumption of this drink for a week will reduce the bad, or LDL, cholesterol, and will increase the good, HDL, one.

Treats arthritis

The regular consumption of the garlic milk will soothe arthritis pains and alleviate the inflammation.

Treats asthma

You should eat 3 garlic cloves before going to sleep to relieve asthma issues.

Cardiac issues

The garlic milk will reduce bad LDL cholesterol and prevent the formation of clots. For even best effects, you should use low fat or skimmed milk.

Fights pneumonia

Consume the garlic milk three times daily to treat pneumonia.

Fights insomnia

This milk will relax you and help you fall asleep easily.

Helps digestion

Garlic is an effective antiseptic and it strengthens the immune system and helps digestion. Moreover, it cleans the lymph system and detoxifies the body. It boosts the production of digestion juices and fights diarrhea.

Treats lung tuberculosis

The sulfur in garlic effectively treats this disease. You should mix 1 g garlic, 240 ml milk and 1 liter of water, and boil the mixture until you are left with ΒΌ of the initial amount. Drink this remedy three times daily.

Fight jaundice

Garlic effectively removes toxins and is of great help in the case of jaundice. The sulfur in garlic is excellent for the liver and treats fatty liver disease. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, and thus stimulates the production of bile. Drink this mixture for a week to treat jaundice.

Soothe sciatica

This milk effectively treats the nerve pain also known as sciatica. Its regular consumption will provide amazing effects.

Treat impotence

The garlic milk can be of great help in the case of impotence. Moreover, you should consume several boiled garlic chunks in the treatment of both, female and male fertility issues.

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