
Garlic In Milk- Cures Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Problems, Insomnia, Arthritis, Cough And Many Other Diseases!

The mixture of garlic and milk might initially sound strange, but after you hear all its health benefits, it will definitely become one of your favorite drinks!
The garlic milk is an incredibly beneficial, natural, and warm beverage, with potent properties.

This is how to prepare it:


10 garlic cloves, minced
500 ml milk

2-3 teaspoons sugar
250 ml water

Method of preparation:

You should pour the milk and water in a pot, and add the minced garlic. Then, place it over medium heat and heat until it boils. Stir occasionally, strain, and in the end, add the sugar.

Note that you should drink the garlic milk until it is warm.

Health benefits of this drink:

Treats cough

You should enrich this drink by adding some turmeric. The garlic will destroy bacteria, and the remedy will soothe a chronic cough.

Regulates cholesterol levels


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