Health & Fitness

Follow This One-Week Diet Plan to Lose 15 Lbs Naturally at Home

The Diet

Day 1
On this day you’re allowed to eat just fruits, any fruit you like throughout the entire day. The only forbidden fruit is banana. Eat just fruits and nothing else, for as much as you like.

Day 2
On this day you can eat just vegetables, all day long, whatever you like and how much you like. You can start off with some cooked potatoes which are rich in carbs so that they can be broken down throughout the day. You can eat the veggies fresh, steamed or boiled, you can make a soup or a salad, the choice is yours.

Day 3

On the third day you can have a combination of fruits and veggies. Just don’t eat potatoes on his day or bananas, everything else is allowed.

Day 4
Day 4 is all about bananas and milk. You’re allowed to drink up to 3 glasses of milk and eat up to 10 bananas.

Day 5
Day five is lean meat day so it’s a feast for you. You can prepare yourself some fish or lean chicken and combine it with some tomatoes (no more than 8 pieces). Drink plenty of water as well, 12-15 glasses during this day.

Day 6
This day you can eat red meat and veggies, any red meat you like and as much vegetables as you like as well.

Day 7
On the last day of your diet you can combine some cooked brown rice and steamed vegetables. You’re allowed to consume one potatoes as well and some fresh fruits.

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