
Five Tricks To Stop Clutter

Tired of all the clutter in the house? Check out these 5 tricks to stop clutter. Your house can be clean and clutter-free with just a few simple steps. These clutter busters will have your house clean and organized in no time.

Every year at the new year I love to go through and work on cleaning clutter from my home.

I have found it’s a great time to go through and declutter the home. Over the holidays and winter, we have often let clutter build up in our homes.

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After time we don’t even notice the piles anymore. Get rid of the clutter and prevent it from coming back with these 5 tips to stop clutter in the home.

How To Stop Clutter In The Home

Eliminating clutter is pretty easy and doesn’t take a lot of time. Just spending 15 minutes a day working on a few of these simple tips will help your home look cleaner and more organized.

The best part is you don’t need to spend any money! Your home will look nicer without clutter around and it doesn’t need to cost you anything.

Check out these 5 great ways to stop and prevent the clutter in your home.

Declutter The Hot Spots

Every house has that one collection spot. You know what I am talking about.

For me, it is one end of the kitchen counter. We place our keys up there and so for such a long time all mail and bills would just pile up there too. Pretty soon, we would be digging through the pile to try to find a paper that was due or a bill.

Stop clutter by creating a dedicated spot for all of your mail and car keys.

We finally bought a file folder and wall file from Staples. I just hung it on the inside of the cabinet and put all the bills and papers inside. Every Sunday when we do money then we get down the file folder and go through everything.

Your collection spot may be different but with a little bit of time and maybe a couple of dollars, you can find a way to deal with it and stop clutter.


I feel like every time I get the mail I get all kinds of junk mail. Everything from credit card applications to catalogs that I haven’t ordered from in years.

Then, the catalog sits around for a week before I throw it out. I finally started unsubscribing to all these items. It does take a bit of your time, but you never have to deal with it again.

You can call the catalog companies and they will take you off their mailing list. Plus, there is even a way to stop credit card applications.

If you really hate junk mail check out these great tips to stop junk mail for good!

Less mail and catalogs can mean getting rid of the clutter. Don’t waste your time going through mail every day just to throw it out.

The same goes for those emails filling up your inbox. Stop the clutter and unsubscribe.

Most emails have a button at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe from the list. You don’t have to spend your day deleting emails that you don’t read. This is a great clutter busters idea.

Tired of clutter?

Sign up for the free 7 day decluttering challenge. Create a clutter-free home you will love!

Organize the Junk Drawer


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