Health & Fitness

Do You Have a Lump on Your Neck,Back,or Behind Your Ear This Is What It Means !!

Lumps in most of the cases are harmless, and without some serious consequences.

They can appear in case of some kind of inflammation where you supposed to take an antibiotic.

There are numerous reasons for showing lumps, knots and nodules all around your body.

Those who suffered from acne know best how to diagnose lump. But if you are not in this group of people, consult with your doctor.

It is not only by touching the zone from the back side of our apparatus for hearing. If you have some skin that sticks out, and that feels very soft, then that probably is lipoma or fatty lump.

Furthermore, if it is tender, but it hurts, it probably is a pimple. And at the end it is causing you a problem like fever and something more serious, than it is an infection or inflammation.

In addition to this post we are going to present you the possible reasons for showing up a lump in the zone behind the ears.

1. Inflammation

Bacteria and viral inflammation are the basic things that lead to swollen back part of the ears. (measles, chicken pox and HIV)

2. Lipoma

This is made in between certain layers of the skin. These are harmless, and also they can show up everywhere.

3. Acne

This is a reason because the dead skin cells and oil clog follicles on the skin. These are harmless too, but they are not comfortable to watching.

4. Abscess

Abscess is inflammation on the cells and tissues. You should kill the bacteria and virus, in order not to spread the infection. This is painful on touch.

5. Lymphadenopathy


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